Recent Blog Posts

How Often do Taxis Crash?
It’s an old but accurate joke that, in New York City, no one drives because there is too much traffic. The reason is the ubiquity of taxis, whether yellow cabs or town cars with medallions. New York taxi drivers also have a reputation for being particularly aggressive. We’ve all had the experience of being… Read More »

What Percentage of Distracted Drivers are Teens?
Distracted driving is one of the biggest dangers on American roadways today. Everyone seems to agree on this point, and yet drivers continue to respond to emails and texts, watch videos, eat, and generally do other activities that take their eyes off the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that driver… Read More »

Why is the New York Scaffold Law Important?
Construction or maintenance workers who spend hours suspended hundreds of feet above the air on scaffolds risk their lives on a daily basis just to do their jobs. New York’s labor law has a section specifically aimed at promoting safe practices by contractors and building owners in order to protect the lives of scaffold… Read More »

What are the Most Common Types of Premises Liability Claims?
People are generally familiar with the idea of a “slip-and-fall” case: The milkshake machine at McDonald’s drips, someone slips on the ice cream and breaks their hip. They sue McDonald’s. But that is just one type of claim available under the umbrella of “premises liability.” Read on for a discussion of some of the… Read More »

What’s the Difference between Recklessness & Negligence?
In a New York personal injury case, one of the key factors to prove is the degree of culpability of the defendant. As a plaintiff, you must first prove that they actually did something they should not have, or failed to do something they should have. The question then arises: Just how outrageous was… Read More »

How to Determine Who is at Fault in a Car Accident
After a New York car accident, one of the most important things to determine is who is at fault for the accident. If the accident led to a serious injury such as broken bones, dismemberment or death, the driver who caused the accident will be responsible for paying the damages of the other drivers…. Read More »

What Happens if You Leave the Scene of an Accident in New York?
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, hit-and-run crashes killed 2,049 people across the United States in 2016, representing an astonishing 60% increase since 2009.The problem is extremely pervasive in every state, including New York. In the Hudson Valley, a 34-year-old Orange County woman was recently killed while walking along State Street in… Read More »

Medical Mistakes and Substance Abuse in the Medical Profession
Being a doctor can be extremely stressful. Long hours, demanding patients, and the constant pressure of making life-altering decisions for other people can eventually wear on someone’s emotional state. Medical professionals have easy, direct access to many prescription and other medicinal drugs. Combined with the stress, the available drugs can create a dangerous incentive… Read More »

New York Jury Awards $3.6 Million to Medical Malpractice Victim
A man who suffered painful ongoing injuries from a medical procedure recently succeeded in a medical malpractice claim against the doctor who caused his injuries, with a jury finding in his favor and handing down an award of $3.6 million. Learn more below about the claim, and contact an experienced Poughkeepsie medical malpractice lawyer… Read More »

How Expert Testimony Can Save or Kill Your New York Medical Malpractice Case
Successfully proving a claim for medical malpractice requires that the plaintiff establish that the physician deviated from appropriate medical standards of behavior. The plaintiff must prove that a reasonable doctor with the skills and training required in their local community would not have acted as the defendant did, and that this deviation caused the… Read More »